Selenium + JAVA Online Training Video Course

Learn & Master Selenium Automation Tool Quickly from the Experienced Professionals – Guaranteed!

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Enroll for Selenium + Java Online Video Course and get instant access to all video recordings of a complete live course.

The best affordable Selenium Online Training VIDEO Course to learn and master Selenium + JAVA quickly from the scratch.

One of the Best Selenium Training video Course You’ll Ever Get!

20+ Comprehensive Lectures and 30+ Hours of High Quality HD video Content!

The Most Practical, hands-on and Inexpensive Selenium + JAVA Online Training VIDEO Course.

This online video course is designed by working professionals in a way that the course will progress from introducing you to the basics of automation testing using Selenium to the most advanced topics.

We will also make sure to teach you JAVA basic and advanced techniques which will ease your Selenium learning process.

Why Enroll with SoftwareTestingHelp?

  • Lifetime access to course videos
  • Practical Selenium training with hands-on examples
  • JAVA basic plus advanced training to ease your Selenium learning process
  • Selenium training by experienced working professionals who are passionate about automation testing
  • Video recordings of instructor led LIVE training sessions
  • Course content designed by considering current Selenium requirements and the job market
  • Practical assignments for more practice
  • Live project work and examples
  • Our premium ebook free as a part of bonus
  • Course completion certificate (on request)
  • All-time support for your questions

What you will learn?

  1. In depth Selenium tool learning and practical usage
  2. Best practices for writing automation scripts
  3. All materials PPT, daily notes, and video recordings
  4. How to create automation frameworks
  5. Two most used framework on selenium hybrid and keyword driven covered and code base shared for reuse
  6. Extra concepts like databases, real time case studies discussed in class to give audiences experience of a real time problems
  7. All the concepts would be taught via easy to understand, practical examples


How to enroll?
You can enroll for this video course by making payment on below page.

Click on below button for Instant Access to this Online Video Course.

Once enrolled successfully you will get all details to access these videos, course and bonus material.

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What is Included in this Online Video Course?

FREE Demo Sessions:

Try a free demo sessions to see for yourself the quality of this Selenium WebDriver + JAVA training course that is offered at unbelievable price.

Live Session:

Course Overview Session:

Note – you will get access to all session notes and documents referred in the the live sessions.


**Note: Protected content below, accessible only after enrollment**

If you want to join our LIVE Selenium + JAVA batch see details here.


See course content below:

Course Content:

Note: Live project is included throughout the training.

Week 1 – Selenium IDE


  1. Need of Test Automation
  2. Why Open Source Test Automation
  3. Introduction to Various tools of Test Automation
  4. Introduction of Selenium
  5. Selenium Components
  6. First Record and Replay of Scenario in Selenium IDE


  1. Introduction of Web Technologies – HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS and DOM
  2. Locators in Selenium
  3. Introduction of Selenese Command Types
  4. Selenium Action Commands
  5. Verification and Assertion Commands

Day 3

  1. Store and StoreEval – Accessor Commands
  2. Selenese HTML
  3. Creation of Test Suite
  4. Debugging IDE Script
  5. Assignment on Selenium IDE


Week 2 – Java

Day 4

  1. Introduction to Java
  2. Setting Development Environment – Eclipse
  3. Walk through of Java concepts
  4. Hello World!
  5. Introduction to Java Data Types
  6. Taking Input from End User

Day 5

  1. Numerical Data Type and Numerical Operators
  2. Boolean Data Type and Operators
  3. Conditional Statements [IF], and Loop [While]

Day 6

  1. Conditional Statement[SWITCH]
  2. Loop [FOR]
  3. String Data type and functions
  4. Command Line Parameters


Week 3 – Java

Day 7

  1. Arrays
  2. Hash Tables/ Map Object
  3. Regular Expression

Day 8

  1. File Handling
  2. Java OOPs Concept
  3. Concept of Classes and Objects in Java

Day 9

  1. Concept of Packages in Java
  2. Exception Handling
  3. Debugging in Java
  4. General Java Programming tit-bits


Week 4 – WebDriver

Day 10

  1. Overview of WebDriver
  2. Introduction to browser specific drivers
  3. Setup WebDriver package on system for eclipse
  4. Set up firebug for Firefox
  5. Exporting pre-recorded test scenario in IDE to WebDriver, and executing it.

Day 11

  1. Revisiting locators of Selenium
  2. Automating different HTML Elements text fields, buttons, links, check box, drop-down etc
  3. Verifications and Assertions
  4. Desired Capabilities and IE

Day 12

  1. Handling Web Table
  2. SwtichTo Command -Handling Frames, Popup Windows.
  3. Concept of Synchronization
  4. Brief about Ajax and how to handle Ajax with WebDriver


Week 5

Day 13

  1. Concept of Parameterization
  2. JDBC –Introduction
  3. Components of JDBC
  4. Set JDBC with MYSQL Connector for Java Project
  5. JDBC with MySQL

Day 14

  1. Introduction to Page Object Model
  2. Usage of Page Object Model for DemoSite

Day 15

  1. Introduction of Selenium Grid
  2. Usage of Selenium Grid, executing same test on different browsers


Week 6

Day 16

  1. What is Test Automation Frameworks
  2. Different Types of Frameworks, overview
  3. Available Test Automation Frameworks on Selenium
  4. JUnit
  5. TestNg

Day 17

  1. Creating Test using TestNg
  2. TestNg Annotations
  3. Explanation of TestNg XML
  4. Execution of TestNg Tests
  5. Explanation of Testng Folder, and various result files

Day 18

  1. Advance Test Ng –
  2. Parameterize TestNg Test – Data Provider
  3. Capturing screen shots
  4. Custom reporter


Week 7

Day 19

  1. Introduction to various Java APIs – Log4J, Apache POI, XML Beans.
  2. Quick Snapshot- Create Logs
  3. Quick Snapshot- Read and Write to Excel Files
  4. Quick Snapshot on – Java Reflection

Day 20

  1. Demo of Hybrid framework for Selenium
  2. Demo of Keyword Driven Framework for Selenium

Day 21

  1. Refresh the concepts on selenium
  2. Best Practices in Test Automation
  3. Real time challenges faced in automation.
  4. Sample Interview questions and the answers
  5. Resume Guidance

Note – you will get access to all session notes and documents referred in the the live sessions.

Payment Options:

If you want instant access to all course videos please subscribe below by making one time payment.

We will be available via email support at all times.

Fees: for instant Access to All Course Videos

=> All Training Videos + Course Material + All Bonuses

US $200 Only US $99.00 or INR 12,000 Only INR 5990/- (That’s 50% discount for limited period).

Note – After successful payment, we will send you details to access the course videos and bonus material. 


Payment Options: Selenium WebDriver + Java Course Videos

Option 1) Secured Credit Card Payment:

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Option 2) Paypal or Credit Card Payment:

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Option 3) Manual Payment in INR:

Drop us an email to for manual (direct bank transfer using net banking or cash deposit in INR) payment options


 Please feel free to contact us for any queries.

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